O ninho (The Nest)



Bruno viaja para Porto Alegre em busca do irmão que não vê há anos. Chegando na cidade, não se depara com ele, mas com os amigos, as memórias e as situações vividas pelo irmão. Longe de casa, Bruno encontra outra família.

Synopsys English:

Bruno, a young military who has just run away from the army, travels to Porto Alegre in search of his brother, who he hasn’t seen in years. He cannot find his brother in the city but meets his friends, learns about what was his life, and even experiments the same things his lost brother lived. He discovers a new space where he is free to be himself and explore his sexuality. Away from home, Bruno finds a new family.

Links para Acesso:

Episódio 01:  Drive, Mega, Tape
Episódio 02:  Drive, Mega, Tape
Episódio 03:  Drive, Mega, Tape
Episódio 04:  Drive, Mega, Tape


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